Frequently Asked Questions


A random lottery will be held in April to determine which students will fill the available spots at Xavier Charter School. To enter the lottery, please go to the following link between Feb. 1 – March 31 and complete an application.
Students who apply midyear will be placed on the waitlist. If a spot becomes available, students will be selected from the waitlist and parents will be notified of their child’s selection and informed of their next steps.  The applications of students on the waitlist will remain on file for the entire year.
Families may enter the annual random lottery for the upcoming school year from February 1 to March 31. To enter the lottery, please go to the following link between Feb. 1 – March 31 and complete an application. 

There is no tuition cost to attend Xavier Charter School. We are a public school.

Classroom and Student Life

We expect students to value good academic study habits, exhibit and emulate virtuous character, and strive to become a model citizen through their choices, words, and actions.  We regularly address character through Aristotle’s virtues.
Elementary Classes
Xavier has two classrooms per grade level in grades K-6. Class sizes vary, based upon the grade level.  Below are our class size caps:
Kindergarten: 24 students per class
First-Third Grades: 28 students per class
Fourth-Sixth Grades:  33 students per class
Secondary Classes: 
Class sizes vary based upon grade level, core class enrollment, and elective offerings. 7th-8th grades average 65-70 students per grade. 9th-12th grades range from 35-55 per grade level. 
Xavier establishes a dress code primarily to support the tenets of a Classical Education. Click here to view our dress code.

Please view the attached document to view Xavier School’s policy on cell phones/communication devices.

Read Policy

Xavier offers the following sports for middle school and high school students:

  • Cross Country
  • Archery
  • Trap and Skeet

We fully support students participating in sports programs for sports we do not offer. We encourage students interested in other sports to contact their “assigned” public school to ask about their sports program. 

Xavier offers busing within the Twin Falls area.  Please contact the front office for details or further questions.

Xavier is a closed campus. Students are expected to remain on campus unless checked out by a parent or guardian.

Xavier Charter School has a special education program that facilitates the creation of Section 504 Plans and IEPs for eligible students. As a public school, Xavier acknowledges existing Section 504 Plans and IEPs from other schools.

However, given our structured educational setting, student needs may differ, prompting necessary updates to these plans. Be advised that students with IEPs and 504s will still have homework modified or adapted as their plan indicates. 


Homework prepares students to fully participate in class. Lack of participation inhibits learning. 

  • Nightly homework for K-6 students is as follows: 20 minutes of reading, plus: 
  • Grade 1 – 10 minutes (additional classroom practice) 
  • Grade 2 – 20 minutes (additional classroom practice) 
  • Grade 3 – 30 minutes (additional classroom practice)
  • Grade 4 – 40 minutes (additional classroom practice)
  • Grade 5 – 50 minutes (additional classroom practice)
  • Grade 6 – 60 minutes (additional classroom practice)

The average homework time allotment for the Secondary School  (grades 7-12) is 2 hours per day for the average student.

All assignments should be completed on time. Work up to three days late may be accepted for partial credit at the department’s discretion; this is an exception for unusual circumstances in a student’s life and must be communicated in advance of a class starting. For poor/uncompleted work, teachers may require students to redo assignments. 

Self-responsibility is a fundamental behavior expectation.
Xavier is a fast-paced, academically rich environment.  We do offer interventions, regular communication with families, and suggestions on building study habits.  Parents are expected to participate in helping their student by working with them at home to close any gaps in skill or learning. 

Several of Xavier’s secondary classes have a dual credit option.  More classes are regularly being offered.

Students are expected to participate in all board-approved curriculum requirements; we do not offer alternative classes, readings, or assignments.

Absent students have one day per day of absence to turn in work.  
Self-responsibility is a core behavior expected of students at Xavier Charter School. Generally, late work is not accepted; however, in extraordinary life circumstances, teachers may make accommodations for late work with communication from the student and parents for partial credit.